BNA Supports UK Family Fighting to Bring Home Son
A family reached out to BNA for support in an effort to bring home their son Daniel, diagnosed with Trisomy 18. This family was fighting for the right for Daniel to have life-saving surgery. BNA assisted by writing a testimonial letter to the ethics panel of the UK...
October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Month
It’s a staggering fact that 1 in 4 women will lose a baby during pregnancy, delivery, or infancy. And yet, many bereaved parents (and those who love them) are ill-prepared for grieving this loss. The death of a baby is, by definition, disordered. Children are...
Why Catholic Families Following a Prenatal Diagnosis Benefit from Catholic Support
A pregnancy is always a blessing. However, for some families, a pregnancy can be fraught with fear and anxiety for a variety of reasons. Families with a prenatal diagnosis often are confused, frightened and lose hope and faith. Catholic families need...
BNA Members Attend CMA Conference
October is Respect Life Month. At Be Not Afraid (BNA), we celebrated October by participating in the Catholic Medical Association (CMA) conference. Judy Townsend (BNA Parent Care Coordinator) and Tracy Winsor (BNA Parent Program Director) spent the...